Outdoor Activity Reduces Short-Sightedness in Children

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“Half the world’s population will be near sighted by the year 2050!” Now that’s alarming, isn’t it? What is causing more and more of our children to be myopic or short sighted? And more importantly, what can we do to reduce short-sightedness in children? Scientists have found an easy solution – outdoor activity reduces short-sightedness in children. (more…)

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How much exercise do kids’ bones need?

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While most of our childhood was spent running outdoors, our kids spend their time zipping between classes – abacus, tuitions, music, painting – the list is endless! No doubt this helps all round development of their minds. However their bones are left wanting. Wanting for more sunshine, wanting for more bone strength, and wanting for more muscle strength. So how much exercise do kids’ bones need? What physical activity should your child be engaged in? (more…)

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Can Atropine Eye Drops Cure NearSightedness?

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“Doctor what can I do to reduce my child’s spectacle powers?” “Can my child never get rid of her glasses?” “His spectacle number is increasing so fast, how can I stop it?” These are questions parents commonly ask child eye specialists. With a heavy heart, eye doctors have had to tell parents that there really is no magic cure for nearsightedness. And that all they could do was ensure their kids wore spectacles or contact lenses so that the current powers were corrected. Until now. (more…)

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Outdoor activity and Myopia Progression

14th November 2017: The following are common questions that parents worry about: Will carrots help my child get rid of his spectacles? Will eye exercises reverse her glass powers? What can I do to stop my child’s spectacle numbers from increasing? We now have research backed evidence for parents regarding what they can do for myopia progression:


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Oculo Cutaneous Albinism

7th November 2017: This week we look at Oculo Cutaneous Albinism and two associated syndromes that one should rule out in albinotic patients.

Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive metabolic disorder which causes albinism, visual impairment, and platelet dysfunction. Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent pyogenic infections, partial oculocutaneous albinism, progressive neurologic abnormalities, mild coagulation defects, and a lymphoma-like accelerated phase.


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W sitting

24th October 2017:

W sitting is a situation where the child sits with his / her hips resting in flexion, internal rotation and adduction. This is commonly first seen at age 1 – 2 years and may persist till 3 – 4 years of age. W sitting may just be a matter of habit without the need for any medical intervention. So then which children should be discouraged from sitting in W position for extended periods of time? (more…)

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Secondary Glaucoma in Sturge Weber Syndrome

17th October 2017:

We know about Sturge-Weber syndrome, the neuro-cutaneous disorder with angiomas on the skin of the face, typically in the ophthalmic (V1) and maxillary (V2) distributions of the trigeminal nerve. Did you know that you can predict the chances of secondary glaucoma based on the extent of the port wine stain? (more…)

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